
LP just shared the most incredible news!

ok, everyone.
with the new jurassic park movie coming out soon, it's only appropriate that this discovery was just made.
seriously! let's scoop up some little baby dinosaur dna and get on making some terrible life decisions such as: trying to make real dinosaurs, building a park for them to live in, riding them, owning them as pets, etc.

this all makes me harken back to The Tick episode called The Tick vs Dinosaur Neil:

if you don't remember this one or don't have the time/want to watch it (your loss), the basic premise is that neil eats some dinosaur dna by accident (he put his pasta down beside it and then picked up the wrong dish - CLASSIC) and becomes a giant dino that ravages The City (which is actually the name of the city... The City).


oh, to have approximately $9,000 of disposable income......

i'd be the proud new owner of this:

the longest known fossilized dinosaur poop.


coolest bachelor party in the history of time

no big deal... it's just that these random dudes found A STEGOMASTODON SKULL.


move over argentinosaurus, there's a new titan in town!

fresh off the presses!   'biggest dinosaur ever' discovered!   largest creature to ever roam the earth!

this photo poached from the BBC

here we have dr. diego pol taking a nap beside the thigh bone of the biggest dino ever in patagonia. based on the size of this bone, he has calculated the following stats:

height: 40 metres from head to tip of tail
length: 20 metres or a 7 storey building
weight: 77 tonnes
awesomeness: 11

no name yet (just like my new little friend who was born yesterday!) but i'll keep you posted.


the pinocchio rex?

who gets to name new dinos?
it sure as hell isn't me!
if i had my way, this new long-snouted rex would have been called the chimaera rex after this narrow nosed fish...

one for the arctic!

yay nunavut! the most northerly fossil found to date was found INSIDE YOU!!

arctic-hadrosaur-vertebra (Courtesy Matthew Vavrek)

if you found this, would you know that it wasn't just a rock?

it is a vertebra from a type of duck-billed dinosaur called a hadrosaur that was recently found way up north. we now know that these herbivores lived in the high arctic year-round despite harsh climates and lack of plants to eat.
                        they basically survived off of the fungi found in rotting wood. hard core.

how do we know that they lived up there year-round, you ask?

well, during the late cretaceous period (100-66 billion years ago - seriously, the bible, get your shit together) the high arctic was separated from the rest of (what we now know as) canada by a vast sea. this is the period that the "arctic hadrosaur" hung out there and this explains how we know that it couldn't have migrated south.


drumheller remains one of the coolest places ever

recently, in drumheller, alberta, a "gargantuan" pachyrhinosaurus skull was found.
indeed, it's huge-mongous…

photo poached from wikipedia

to here to read the whole article.

also, an entire baby dino skeleton was found in dinosaur national park in alberta! how cute.

(Courtesy of Philip J. Currie, Robert Holmes, Michael Ryan Clive Coy, Eva B. Koppelhus)
click here to read about this one.


1978 was a good year

first - it was the year i was born

second - that was the year that the Micropachycephalosaurus was named.

pronounced: my-kro-pak-ee-SEF-uh-lo-SAWR-us 

an incomplete skeleton was found in the Shandong Province in China and given the longest generic name of any dinosaur. its' name means "small thick headed lizard".

image by Kippopot


king of gore

my pal, crane, sent me this article when i was recently on vacation. it touches on the top 10 new species discovered in 2013. if you scroll down to the bottom of this website you'll find Lythronax Argestes; the "great uncle of the T.Rex". Lythronxax means KING OF GORE. how badass is that? the specimen found has been dated at 80 million years old. 
here's another article by national geographic on this new discovery. yay, science!!!